If you are some one that always goes fishing far out from land then this story is just for you.
What if you go far away where no one knows where you are and the waves pushed your boat over and your stranded out there? What could you do to survive this disaster.
Well first you find something to float on like a chilli bin lid then you huddle in to a ball the littlest child in the middle you put your arms around you and your legs up and stay like that now this Technic is so you stay warm.
Then you stay like stay like that until some one helps you if know one comes then you should float to the nearest island.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
manaikalani film festival
On November the fifteenth, 2012 we had our Manaiakalani Film Festival many schools had entered the contest there were heaps of cool videos that I like.
There was one in particular that I liked the most and that was 'The Test' by Room 18 at our school. It was very humorous.
The second one I liked was a Tamaki College film. It was a parody of a One Direction music video. It was especially funny at the end because the teachers were dancing.
I liked it at the the film festival and I can't wait till next years festival!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Fire works
Once upon a time a boy named David was wondering back inside his house until fireworks were blazing across his house. He looked outside his window to see what was going on and he saw fireworks blasting one by one.
Then he remembered it was fireworks day so he asked his dad if he could get some money to buy some fireworks then he came back and asked his dad to light the fire works.
He was having so much fun until one of the fireworks went up and came back down and hit all of the rest of the fireworks and the fireworks went every where but one of the fireworks went the wrong way and hit David.
thanks stevie & Kevin for checking my work.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Stomach churing
A boy and a girl named Jack and Jill were having a family day, it was there Dad’s birthday. They were going to Rainbow’s End. They had ten dollars each to spend .
When they got there the first thing they went on was the roller coaster. It was so fun but when they went around the loop the roller coaster stopped. They were all stranded up there.
A few minutes later Jill fell out of the roller coaster. But as she fell she could fly. So instead of dieing from her fall she helped everyone to get out of the roller coaster. Everyone thanked her for their rescue.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
basket ball
Every week on Wednesdays we play basketball. Room 19 enjoys basketball but they need lots of practice because their skills are poor.
Our coach name is Vincent, he is a cool coach. Sometimes Vincent gets someone to help him.
We play heaps of cool games like golden child basketball and plenty more. We are very good at most of those games because we are fit.
I am good at getting the ball off other people and defending. But I am really bad at shooting the ball in the hoop.
I think basket ball was very call and I can't wait to do it again. I hope that next term we have another cool game.
Friday, September 7, 2012

Smoking is bad for your lungs and heart. Many people around the world die from smoking.People around the world love to smoke but can’t give it up. Some people can and are not addicted.
Around six hundred thousand people around the world die from second hand smoking. this is when smoke off a cigarette gets in to the air and other people breath it in.
Do you know what your smoking? If you don't well these are some of the things in a smoke: janola petrol tar and more.
If you are still smoking then go and see a doctor and he might give you some gum specially made for helping you to quit smoking.
Monday, August 20, 2012
We had our school cross country on friday last week. We started off the cross country with the little kids first it went 5 yrs old and over. Our principal mr burt clapped two blocks together to start the race off. My friends little sister came first it was coming closer to our turn to run. Each time some kids run. My team tainui keeps coming first even though the other children weren't in my team I cheered them on to.
thank you kevin for checking my work
thank you kevin for checking my work
Friday, August 3, 2012
If someone came up to you and asked you if you want some drugs what would you say? well if you dont know then this story is just for you.
If you were going to say yes then think about it first. Do you know what they put in drugs every thing that you would not eat or drink thats what is in drugs. Janola any kind of fly spray and and that black stuff thats on the road.
And if you said no then you made the right decision go for gold every one.
If you were going to say yes then think about it first. Do you know what they put in drugs every thing that you would not eat or drink thats what is in drugs. Janola any kind of fly spray and and that black stuff thats on the road.
And if you said no then you made the right decision go for gold every one.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Murray Halberg
Murray Halberg
Born in 1933, Sir Murray Halberg with three children lived in Auckland. In his days, he was a great middle distance runner. He ran in the 5000 metres event at the 1960 Olympics, and he also ran the 3 miles event at the 1958 and 1962 Commonwealth Games. As he won his races, he was given 3 precious gold medals.He was raised in a place called Eketahuna with his mum dad named along with his brother, Hamish. Murray Halberg trained in his backyard. In the past, Murray would race cars and he would race his brother to school.
Murray Halberg inspires me, because he was a fantastic runner and because he never gave up!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
When is the right time to swear

When you are furious and some one swears at you that is the right time to swear not if you don't want to do something. Another way to say a swear word is if you shut the front door on your finger and the word just pops out or when some one just broke your new car its still the right time to swear.
Thank you Samson and Tui for checking my work.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
The Ring
The Ring
I ran to the stable where the dragons sleep. I picked the Dragon that had the bestest eyes, the bestest nose and the fastest one out of all. Of them the only thing that was wrong with him was he had a bad wing because he smashed it into a tree when he was going too fast. So when we are flying I had to take the risk whether we were going to drop or I was going to fall off the Dragon.
So we set off on our adventure looking for ‘The Ring’. We searched the whole kingdom for five days then I realised the one place I didn't search was the waterfall. I raced to the waterfall but just then my dragon started to get tired and guess what happened? We dropped! Luckily, we weren't so high from the ground. I thought to myself now what am I going to do? Walk!
I didn’t want to walk by myself but I had to because it was a long way back and if I asked someone to come with me they will tell the king and I will be in prison forever. I started walking and while I was walking I made up a song. It went like this -
The three Rings that sat on his hand,
The three Rings that nearly got banned,
The one Ring that I lost,
The one Ring that was my boss,
I'm off to find it so now,
Get lost!
Through the whistling trees, under the falling rocks, over the bubbling water and around the the cracking ground. I was finally there! I looked everywhere but I still couldn't find it then I got really angry and stuffed my hands in my pocket and guess what..... I found the ring.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
This term we started learning about painting. Today I finished my painting off, I bet you are wondering what I drew. Well, I drew a picture of a house. I drew a picture of a house because it is the easiest thing to do.
It has two main colors, black and white, and shades of these. I will tell you what I think is good about mine. In my picture you have lines all my lines are straight. All lines don't have to be straight, there are heaps of other lines like wavy, curvy, zigzags, thick and thin. Lines help make the shapes of things and can shoe light and shade.
There the two important things in your picture. You need light so when there is a sun on your picture you have a nice and light colour and shade, like when there is a tree. It takes time to do painting like Vincent Van Gogh he took ages to do painting but it it looked really cool did you know he only sold one of his paintings during he was alive and when he died he's girl friend sold thousands of paintings as you can see the picture on top of you I used layers of painting black and white make grey you see I used two layers and that is the the of my story.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Anzac day
On Anzac day I went to the movies to watch 'The Avengers' it was so cool it reminded me about the people that went to war for us. Part of it was sad and part of it was cool after the movie finished. I had to go home and watch the news because anzac was on, I was kind of interested then when they started to play the trumpets and started to march it was really cool then I started to get sleepy and went to bed.
Friday, February 17, 2012

every one in the hole word likes Duffy well today we had the most amazing show ever it was the Duffy show it was so funny it had famous people like Sonny ‘bill Williams’ ‘Pere Wepu’ and Duffy I liked it when scruffy did heaps of funny stuff and how he was talking to him self it was hilarious I wish I could go to another show like that again.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
my holiday

In my holiday i went to my cousins house because it was his birthday it was so fun we had the biggest cake ever it had straw berry's chocolate and heaps more goodies we had heaps of fizzy drinks and the best thing is that i got to hang out with my cousin by and thats my holiday.
Friday, February 10, 2012
This term, in maths, we are learning about statistics .as part of our learning we are examining data related to our health. the first part of our examination we collected data (information)
about the food we ate for one week (2/2 to 9/2).the graph (or chart) shows how much I ate from six major food groups.
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