In the 12 of June the kiwi kids news put out a post that said in
USA Boston streets are banning swearing I bet your wondering how they got to ban swearing well they got a group of people together and got them sign a piece of paper saying to ban swearing.
When you are furious and some one swears at you that is the right time to swear not if you don't want to do something. Another way to say a swear word is if you shut the front door on your finger and the word just pops out or when some one just broke your new car its still the right time to swear.
Slang is a unique word for countries or words I will give you some examples like bugger
Said in frustration at something not happening or able to be done. Can be used almost anytime and anywhere except ‘formal’ places and occasions (e.g. at church). or Thongs said in australia when you are going to get your jandals.
Thank you Samson and Tui for checking my work.